Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Lockdown - Level 4

 Ki Ora, I want to tell about my lockdown so it all started on a Tuesday night when Jacinda Ardern announced that Auckland was going into lockdown level 4. I was so sad because I couldn't go to school, church, malls, parks, skate parks and etc. All I had to do is stay home and just do online working and really had to do nothing but stay home, sleep, eat, drink, devices and playing with your siblings that don't want to play with you all the time. Once I got home after going church I just did nothing but get in my Pj's and went to sleep.

The next day me and my family started changing the rooms well all the rooms are changed now. We changed them because there was one room that no one slept in so my dad wanted to change that room into my little brothers room. Then we changed my brothers room and he has speakers in his room and he kept on playing music and music and it got so annoying. So then that night I had mince on toast with some cheese and sauce. So me and my siblings slept in the lounge because when ever we sleep in there we always get to watch a movie we watched Vivo. So the same days went and everything happened everyday until Monday when we had to do school work and I was on a call with Ms Corbitt and my other class mates so I did my work then that was all I did throughout the week.  

Monday, August 23, 2021

Fale Points W4

Today in lockdown I got sent work I one of them was to do our Fale points W4. We had to make a graph, 2 statements and 1 prediction heres my graph.

Heres some of my statements I did:

From this graph I can see that Kauri is coming second 128 points behind Totara.
This data shows that Rata is coming 4th by 186 points behind Totara.

I think that Kauri and Kowhai might go up and Totara might drop down.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Maths - Basic Facts

Kia Ora, Today we learned to do a Basic Facts sheet and we only had 4 minuets to complete all 40 questions. Guess how much I got right? I got 38/40 I was so close I just got mixed up with the numbers and answers. Here's a picture of the Basic facts.

It was easy because all the answers that are in there I knew.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Scratch - Make it fly.

 Today we learned how to make a cat or a dog fly in Scratch by using coding where the buildings moved repeatedly and a dog flew through the sky. Here's a picture of our what we did to code.

We used different blocks we haven't used before and some hard blocks to code. The coding was hard because we had to use blocks that we had to change the code and I also used the next costume block so that different buildings could come instead of the same building.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Maths - Population of items back in the days.

 Today we learned to make statements about this picture of how many items that were bought a lot back in the days. Ms Corbett gave us a picture of what we have to make statements about.

Here's some statements I did in this picture:

Back in the 60's people mostly bought deodorant and hairspray.

In 2020 he world has been buying e - cigarette devices.

They started to not spend on corsets, tinned herring and tram fares.

In the 70's they didn't want to buy mopes and tripe.