Friday, November 19, 2021

My fake fake Media!!!

 Ki Ora bloggers! Yesterday I made a piece of fake media and I made my fake media on Google drawings. Google drawings u can make anything but it's a bit harder than drawing something on real paper so I made a fake media here it is:

I tried my best to make it as I'm in a pool but the only thing is that it has to look like my jumper is wet and my hair is wet. Bye bloggers!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

My fish tessalation!

Ki Ora

Today I made a fish tessellation by making it out of of paper even though your supposed to make it out of index card but I didn't have any, a tessellation is when you have a shape and you draw it multiple times and there is no gaps or overlaps in you tessellation. If you wanna make a fish tessellation click on this video Fish Tessellation Video it is easy to make and here's what mine turned out as: 

That was my picture it only took me 5 to 10 minutes to colour and 2 minutes to outline. Try make a tessellation with other shapes and colours. I chose this one because I thought it would be challenging for me and more fun. Thanks.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

My morning daily routines!

 Ki ora kotou.

I'm gonna tell you what I do before I go onto my 9:30 meetings, basically like a morning routine.

I start with waking up at 8:30 and me and my sisters are the only ones awake because we all have the same meetings at the same time. Secondly I start making my bed nice and straight and top my pillows and teddys. 

Once I'm done making my bed I go and get changed into my clothes and brush my hair into a low pony tail. I go into the lounge and grab my chrome book and log onto my school account and go onto my gmail and find a google meet I can join so I join and go have some breakfast before I meet with my class.

Once I'm done my 9:30 meeting I wait and do some work that my teacher set up for me. Its gets to 11:00 and I join the meeting even though I'm 30mins early and the only person in the call is always me and Nicole and then everybody joins but theres only like 9 people on the call.

The only people on the call today was me, Sofia, Nicole, Sami, Amina, David- Ezra, Ella, Rieza and Ms Tannahill.

Thats my morning routine!