Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Fractions Immersion Day 2

 Today we made combinations of fractions that were bigger than a half but smaller than a whole. I made;

The first row was a mix of 3rd's  and 1/4 beside it.

The second row was another mix 1/4th's and to 1/5th's.

The third row has only 1/3rd's.

The fourth row has a mixer of 1/4 fourth and 1/6th's and a tiny 1/12th.


  1. Hi Ehsani
    Check you out! On your way with blogging. I also see from your live traffic that you are getting hits from all over New Zealand. How exciting for you! I must learn how to put a live traffic feed on my blog as well.
    Adding in the picture really helped me to understand your text! Well done. Did you find this learning tricky? I love maths... I'm not sure teachers are meant to have a favourite subject. We are probably supposed to say we love them all.
    I'll look forward to visiting your blog again soon.

    1. Thank You Miss Harland! I hope all the teachers love maths!
